Meet yachts from the future: less fuel, same glamour

Engineers and cutting-edge technologies join efforts to devise most powerful ships in the market

Technological advances and a strong passion for luxury machines come together to make that gradually, engineers and cutting-edge devices join efforts to devise the most powerful sea machines in the market. A certain audacity in the upmarket world is pushing millionares to commission brand-new breath-taking yatchs. Some of them can boast of energy-saving layouts, while other are directly fitted out with top-of-the-range add-ons.

Yacht with solar panels

To date, such a project is just a preliminary model, but the set-up is interesting and environmentally friendly enough for this yatch to be assembled in the future.  The prototype includes various foldable solar modules that are normally hidden, but that can at any point be unfolded at both sides of the boat, to capture solar energy with a significant operating surface. And so, energy captured by these photovoltaic modules are to kickstart an electric internal engine, and so the boat will rely less on its own the fuel-driven engine.

Hydrogen-driven yatch

Besides, two contributing factors have come together to shift the yacht industry. New technologies coming out and the need of saving energy -and reduce consumption- due to a growing environmental awareness are shaping the resulting industry. In the same sense, upmarket boats are being updated following this new frame, and now for instance has been created a boat driven by hydrogen.

Est? dise?ado en Egipto por Pharos Marine y la construcci?n de ?ste ya est? en marcha. Cuenta con una autonom?a de unos 24.000 kil?metros aproximadamente, eso implica que esta embarcaci?n podr?a dar la vuelta al mundo casi sin repostar. Mide 60 metros de largo y en el interior hay espacio para que viajen 26 personas, entre pasajeros y tripulaci?n.

El yate que se mueve con energ?a solar y e?lica

Este yate se mueve con energ?a solar y e?lica de forma exclusiva. El Leviathan es un yate en estado de concepto dise?ado por Adam Valmassoi, quien asegura que su modelo puede moverse por el agua utilizando paneles solares y algunas turbinas e?licas, sin necesidad de combustibles y sin emitir gases contaminantes.

Como es de esperar, los paneles solares se encuentran en la parte superior del barco. Por otro lado, una turbina de viento adaptable puede girar y orientarse en el mejor ?ngulo para obtener energ?a del viento. Cuando las bater?as est?n completamente cargadas se puede recoger y guardar para que no ocupe espacio.

Este concepto de yate convierte en realidad lo que en el futuro se podr?a llegar a hacer con embarcaciones que cruzan oc?anos constantemente, y es que con esta tecnolog?a no har? falta ni una sola gota de combustible.

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